
Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Primacy of Matter over Thought

  Man Ray, The Primacy of Matter over Thought, 1931

 Mario De Biasi, Gli italiani si voltano, Milano, 1954

 Anom., Tom Wesselmann & Model, c. 1965

 Somewhere in Paris

 Lucien Clergue, Room with a View, 1970s

 T.W. Salomon, Female Nude in Armchair, 1935

 Bill Brandt, Hampstead, 1945

 Bill Brandt, Campden Hill, 1949

 Horst P. Horst, Bending Nude, 1941 

Willy Kessels - Nu à la Fleur Appliquant son Maquillage, 1937

Judy Dater, Imogen Cunningham And Twinka At Yosemite, 1974

 Rudolf Koppitz, Motion Study, 1926

 Atelier Manassé, Untitled, 1930s

 Heinz Hajek-Halke, Hamse nich ne Braut für mich?, 1928

Max Dupain, Brave New World, c. 1933
Jean Moral, Female Nude in Lingerie and Boots, 1930s
 Willy Ronis, Deena de dos, 1955
 Marianne Breslauer, Ruth von Morgen, Berlin, 1934
 Elmer Batters

Erwin Blumenfeld, Wet Veil, Paris, 1936

Man Ray, Anatomy II, 1930s

Edward Weston, Tina Modotti, Redondo Beach, CA, USA, 1923
 Willy Ronis, Le Nu Provençal, Gordes, 1949
 Brassaï, Matisse drawing his model in the studio lent to him by Mrs. Callery - an American sculptor, at the Villa d'Alesia, 1939
 Heinz Hajek-Halke, Ripe Fruit, 1930s
„Heute morgen mußte ich daran denken, daß reif sein soviel bedeutet, wie zweifach jung sein. Reife ist doppelte Jugend. Jede reife Frucht bezeugt es. Wie etwa der Pfirsich. Gelb im Fleisch, die eine Seite krapplackrot, die andere orange. Herausfordernd und begehrenswert. Reif sein ist das Größte, sagt Shakespeare, ripeness is all. Nichts ist jünger als so eine kokette Rundheit.“ (Béla Hamvas, Silentium)
 Stéphane Lallemand, L'odalisque blonde (d'après Boucher), 2007
What. in ill thoughts again? Men must endure
Their going hence, even as their coming hither:
Ripeness is all. Come on.  
Shakespeare, King Lear, Act V. Scene II
 Irving Penn
 Ellen von Unwerth
 Retro Sisters
  František Drtikol, Two Nudes, 1932
 Imogen Cunningham, Two sisters, 1928
 T.W. Salomon, Revuegirls, ca. 1935
 Raoul Hausmann, Two Nudes on a Beach, c. 1930
 Alfred Stieglitz, Rebecca Strand, 1923
 Jeanloup Sieff
 John A.S. Coutts, Holly Faram, 1930s
 Man Ray, Natasha Miller en robe de soie, 1930
 George R. Hoxie - Solarized Legs in Stockings and Heels, 1940s

Horst P. Horst, Round the Clock, 1987
 Helmut Newton
 André Gelpke, Angelique aus dem Salambo, St. Pauli, Hamburg, 1976

Ruth Bernhard, Neck Study, 1958
 Daido Moriyama, Letter to Nakahira Takuma, Fin (Ueno), 1988
 Bernini, The Rape of Proserpina (Detail), 1622

Man Ray, The Return of Reason, 1923


  1. awwww I really like this post. so interesting and beautiful! thanks!

  2. Josef Breitenbach has some very fitting images for this list.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi. "Somewhere in Paris" is not in Paris, but in Viena. I took a very similar picture there. It´s the E.BRAUN´S shop window.

    Thank you for the post.

  5. The picture of Weselmann is by Bob Adelman

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