
Monday, November 29, 2010


Joop Moesman, The Rumour, 1941

Irina Polin, Butterfly 2009

 Mario De Biasi, Gli italiani si voltano, Milano, 1954

 Frantisek Kupka, Money, 1899

 Stéphane Lallemand, L'odalisque blonde (d'après Boucher), 2007

What. in ill thoughts again? Men must endure their going hence, even as their coming hither: Ripeness is all. Come on. (King Lear, Act V. Scene II)

 Warren Criswell, Departure of the Muse, 2005

 The other side of America

 Per Krohg (1889-1965), Søndagseftermiddag

 Ellen von Unwerth, Heidi, Kitzbühel, 2003

 Leon Kroll, Summer, 1931

 Brassaï, Matisse dessinant un nu couché dans l'atelier que lui avait prêté Mrs. Callery a la Villa d'Alesia, 1939

 Lucian Freud, Naked Man, Back View, 1991

 Fulvio Roiter, Solfatara, Sicily, 1953

 Hu Ming, Transparent Military, 2007

 Jan Saudek, The Dancer, 1997

 Edward Hopper, Excursion Into Philosophy, 1959

 Paul Outerbridge, Nude with mask and hat, c. 1936

 Christian Schad, Count St. Genois d’Anneaucourt, 1927

 Richard Müller, Moving clouds, 1919

 Will Cotton, Ice Cream Tavern, 2003

  Martin Eder, Weight, 2009

 Brassai, Washing in a Brothel, 1932

 Milo Manara

 Bill Brandt, Campden Hill, 1949


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