
Monday, March 14, 2011

It's Only Love

Vladimir Dubossarsky and Alexander Vinogradov, Kiss

Franz von Stuck, Cupid at the Masquerade, ca. 1887/88

Tim Burton, Untitled (Cartoons Series), 1980

 Bouguereau, The Invasion,1892

 Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem, Een monnik en een begijn, 1591

 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe aged 70, painted 1828 by Joseph Karl Stieler
If I love you, what business is it of yours? - Goethe

 Pietro Rotari, Young Girl Writing a Love Letter, 1755

 Gerda Wegener (1889-1940)

 William Mortensen, L'Amour, 1930s

 Carlo Mense, In the Separée, c. 1930

 Juarez Machado, Harcellement entre le 2ème et le 3ème étage, 2002


 Heart of Steel

 I don't care !

 Ed Ruscha, 1989

 Michael Kirkham, Red Glove, 2008

 Oh Man ...



 Jindřich Štyrský, Self-Love, 1934

 Richard Müller, Message of Love, 1921

 A little more time

 Adam Cvijanovic, Love Poem (10 minutes after the end of gravity), 2005

 Henri Gervex, Rolla, 1878

 Jean Béraud, After the Misdeed, c. 1885

 Edvard Munch, The Day After, 1894

 Aksel Waldemar Johannessen, The Morning After, 1916

 Cagnaccio di San Pietro, After the Orgy, 1928

 Edward Hopper, Excursion Into Philosophy, 1959

 Felice Casorati, Сonversazione platonica (Platonic Conversation), 1925

 Nan Goldin, Nan und Brian in Bed, 1983

 “Immense calm with your heart pounding.” — Noel Coward

 "I say, old chap! Couldn't help but admire the length of your cane."

 Christian Schad, Loving Boys, 1929

Christoph Schmidberger, I Am Open For Everything, Don't Get Me Wrong, 2005

Antonio Muñoz Degrain, Motherly Love, 1912

Heinrich Maria Davringhausen, Dirne (Whore), 1921

Antonio López García, Atocha, 1964

 Friedemann Banz, Unbefleckte Empfängniss (immaculate conception), 2006

 Heinz Hajek-Halke, In Love, 1936

Andres Serrano, A History of Sex (Head), 1996

Terry Richardson

"If you say, I love you, then you have already fallen in love with language, which is already a form of break up and infidelity." - Jean Baudrillard

  Colette Calascione, Tickle, 2000

"In a word, my dear, I am an amphibious creature: I love everything, everyone, whatever it is, it amuses me; I should like to combine every species . . ."
Marquis de Sade, Philosophy in the Bedroom (1795)

 Martin Eder, Friendship, 2009

 Alexis Rockman, Proterosuchus Mating, 1998

Franz von Bayros (1866-1924), Ex-libris of Sweet Snail

 Julius Klinger (1876-1942)

Henry Fuseli, Brunhild Watching Gunther Suspended from The Ceiling on their Wedding Night, 1807

Walter Schnackenberg, 1920s

Pierre Klossowski, L'Enlevement de Roberte

 Maria Lassnig, Don Juan d'Austria, 2003

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